Metrology for Complex Nanosystems


DFG RTG 1953/1, Graduate School, Speaker: M. Schilling, TU-BS (2014-2017)


This is a part of the Metrology Initiative of the TU Braunschweig together with the PTB: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

DFG: German Science Foundation, Announcement from 12.05.2014

Previous activities:

40 joint PhD sucessful in all topics of metrology
6 years of joint lecture program:
Foundations of Metrology: Lecture cycle covering 3 years
Topical courses at weekend for up to 12 students
Field trips to industry
3 Metrological research areas in „NanoMet“ Metrological methods to be applied to metrological tasks in PhD projects.

Nanometrology of

bullet Complex Systems:
    -> vREM
bullet Biological Systems
   -> quantitative diagnostic assays
bullet Quantum Systems
   -> quantum normals

Focus of the AG Lemmens: Optical spectroscopy, nanostructured matter, light-matter interaction, electronic correlations

Initial project descriptions:

Anodic Aluminium Oxidation Patterns for Dimensional Metrology, Bosse/Lemmens

- within the research field: Complex measurands with multiparametric interdependencies
Electrochemical and deposition techniques will be used to establish periodic and transmis-
sive hole arrays on the nanoscale using principles of self-organization to establish a repro-
ducible route to cost efficient nanostructures with spatially varying physical properties for
metrological purposes. The AAO patterns will be investigated with respect to their structural
properties by traceable high resolution microscopy techniques based on suitable image
signal modelling and high precision interferometry with sub-nm uncertainty.


Combined surface enhanced and isotope dilution Raman spectroscopy for the
quantification of macromolecular clinical markers, Güttler/Lemmens

- within the research field: Complex measurands in biological nanosystems with non-ergodic, multimodal, multistable behaviour
The potential of vibrational spectroscopy will be exploited as a tool to detect, identify and
quantify large biomolecules and their isotopologues on an SI-traceable basis. This shall
be achieved by Isotope-dilution surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (IDSERS). This
method can be used as an alternative approach for a primary ratio method to define Na-
tional Standards for clinical markers at the highest level of accuracy in a similar way as
isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). IDSERS is not restricted to the limited mass
resolution of IDMS and also sensitive to distinguish structural modifications of molecules.
These properties are specifically valuable for the identification and quantification of large
biomolecules. The work aims at a metrological measurement concept including uncertainty
evaluation for large biomolecules using IDSERS.


Previous relevent publications of our group (from the applicaction text):

A. Makhal, S. Sarkar and S. Pal, H.-D. Yan, D. Wulferding, F. Cetin, P Lemmens:
Ultrafast excited state deactivation of doped porous anodic alumina membranes,
Nanotechnology 23, 305705 (2012).

M. F. Cetin, P Lemmens, V. Gnezdilov, D. Wulferding, D. Menzel, T. Takayama, K. Ohashi,
H. Takagi: Crossover from coherent to incoherent scattering in the spin orbit dominated compound
Sr 2 IrO 4 , Phys. Rev. B 85, 195148 (2012).

H.-D. Yan, P Lemmens, D. Wulferding, J. Shi, K. D. Becker, C. T. Lin, A. Lak, M Schilling:
Tailoring defect structure and optical absorption of porous anodic aluminum oxide mem-
branes, Journ. Mat. Chem. Phys., 135, 206 (2012).

K.-Y. Choi, Zh. Wang, H. Nojiri, H. v. Tol, P. Kumar, P Lemmens, U. Kortz, N. S. Dalal:
Coherent Manipulation of Electron Spins in Cu3 Spin Triangle Molecule Deposited in
Nanoporous Silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 067206 (2012).

H.-D. Yan, P Lemmens, J. Ahrens, M. Bröring, S. Burger, W. Daum, G. Lilienkamp,
S. Korte, A. Lak, M Schilling: High-density array of Au nanowires coupled by plasmon modes,
Acta Phys. Sin. 61, No. 23, 237105 (2012).

A. Makhal, H.-D. Yan, P Lemmens and S.K. Pal:
Light Harvesting Semiconductor Core-Shell Nanocrystal: Ultrafast Charge transport
Dynamics of CdSe-ZnS Quantum Dots, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 627 (2010).

S. Pal, R.K. Mitra, P.K. Verma, D. Wulferding, D. Menzel, T. Mitra, A.M. Todea, P Lem-
mens, A. Müller: A Molecular Magnet confined in the Nanocage of a Globular Protein,
ChemPhysChem 11, 389 (2010).

P. Kumar, P Lemmens, M. K. Ghosh, F. Ludwig, M Schilling:
Effect of HF concentration on physical and electronic properties of electrochemically
formed nano-porous silicon, Journ. of Nanomaterials, 728957 (2009).

H.D. Yan, P Lemmens, H. Dierke, S.C. White, F. Ludwig, M Schilling:
Iron/Nickel nanowire growth in Anodic Aluminum Oxide templates: Transfer of length
scales and periodicity, Journ. Phys.: Conf. Series 145, 012079 (2009).



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