HFM-Workshop 7.-9.11.2005Agelonde, La Londe Les Maures, France
Summary of the HFM-Workshop:
At La Londe approximately 102 (planned: 80) participants from 15 countries met. The program included 6 review, 40 short and 35 Poster contributions. It was obvious that during the poster session and the coffee breaks new contacts have been established. So it was a very successful meeting!
News from the steering committee:Our email list of groups working on highly frustrated magnets is coming along with approximately 270 participants from nearly all members of the EU. We will soon prepare an excerpt and publish it on our webpage to allow an easier communication of the active groups. We plan an arrangement of this list along certain topics and each member will have the opportunity to present names, address and an abstract. It is aspired that each year a kind of progress report including new collaborations is submitted to this page.
The following topics for our organization and a tentative list of
referees has been proposed:
Long and short term visits:The proposals for short term visits can be handed in at any time to the ESF-page and S. Bramwell, C. Lacroix and Ph. Mendels are responsible. The proposals for long term visits are dealed with twice a year and A. Keren, C. Lacroix and P. Lemmens are responsible. So far only one application has been handed in for a long term visit. We have agreed that in case of a financial shortage the priority should be on the side of younger scientists and visits that originate from collaborations. Workshop proposals:The first proposals for workshops where discussed. The first meeting, which has been received as a proposal in July, will be held as a theory workshop in Lyon in spring 2006. In the planning stage are a materials related workshop in Stockholm in April-Mai 2006 and a workshop related to 2D frustrated compounds suggested to be held in Braunschweig for the end of 2006. Further proposals are welcomed. Several possible locations for the School on HFM in 2007 have been discussed. |
This is an information on the ESF Programm Highly Frustrated Magnetism. p.lemmens at tu-bs.de, last change: 11.06.2005
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