8. Announcement,
Institut des
Matériaux Jean Rouxel - University of Nantes/CNRS France
Chemistry Laboratory
research position in solid state chemistry
and characterization of inorganic materials with unusual magnetic
properties "
A postdoctoral position in
solid state chemistry is available at the “Institut des Matériaux
Jean Rouxel” (University of Nantes/CNRS, France). The focus will be
on the synthesis and the characterization of low dimensional and
frustrated magnetic materials (e.g. transition metal oxides and
sulfides). A range of synthetic methodologies will be employed for
such inorganic phases and characterization will involve powder and
single crystal X-ray diffraction, chemical analyses, SQUID
magnetometry.... The work will be carried out in the Inorganic
Chemistry Laboratory of our Institute (http://www.cnrs-imn.fr)
which is well equipped for investigations in the solid state.
The proposed start date is
September 1st or October 1st, 2008. Applicants should have ideally
experience in solid state synthesis, and in some of the
characterization methods listed above.
The funding of the postdoctoral
fellowship is for one year. The terms of employment will be in
accordance with those of the French National Center for Scientific
Research (CNRS) with a net income of about 2000 € per month.
Applicants must have a PhD degree for less than two years (see
https://www2.cnrs.fr/DRH/post-docs08/?pid=8&lang=en for further
detail). There are no nationality restrictions.
Candidates should send a CV and
a letter of motivations by the end of March 2008. Pr. C. Payen and
Dr. Stéphane Jobic can be contacted by email (christophe.payen at
cnrs-imn.fr, stephane.jobic at cnrs-imn.fr) for further detail.
7. Announcement,
WETENSCHAPPEN – Vakgroep Anorganische en Fysische Chemie
Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent, België,
Vacature voor
Binnen de vakgroep Anorganische en Fysische Chemie wordt een
assistentenmandaat open gesteld met ingang van 1 Oktober 2007 en met
de onderstaande functie-eisen en functie-inhoud. Het betreft een
mandaat van twee jaar dat, mits motivering en gunstig advies van de
vakgroepraad, tweemaal kan verlengd worden. De totale duur kan
derhalve zes jaar bedragen met een bruto begin-jaarwedde van 33.825
Euro. Van de kandidaat wordt verwacht dat hij/zij Nederlandstalig is
of het Nederlands voldoende beheerst om bijstand te verlenen bij het
onderwijs van de vakgroep (http://www.we06.ugent.be/). Tijdens dit
assistentschap zal de kandidaat een doctoraal onderzoek afwerken
door te participeren in de activiteiten van de onderzoeksgroep voor
Vaste Stof Chemie en Keramische Supergeleiders van de hoger vermelde
vakgroep, onder het promotorschap van Prof. S. Hoste. Het onderzoek
dat de kandidaat zal uitvoeren, kadert binnen een recent toegekend
IUAPproject “INANOMAT” dat onderzoek naar de fundamentele
fysicochemische eigenschappen van systemen in “gel”-toestand beoogt.
Het betreft anorganische systemen (multi-metaaloxide-precursoren)
die mits minimale energie-input kunnen omgezet worden tot keramische
structuren met specifieke toepassingen en morfologie. De
onderzoeksgroep waarbinnen dit project wordt uitgevoerd bezit
uitgebreide instrumentatie en ruime internationale erkenning op het
voorgestelde onderzoeksdomein.
- Diploma van master of licentiaat in de wetenschappen: chemie of
diploma van burgerlijk
scheikundig ingenieur of diploma van burgerlijk materiaalkundig
- Goede communicatieve en didactische vaardigheden voor het
verstrekken van praktische
oefeningen aan relatief grote groepen studenten.
- Uitgesproken interesse voor de ontwikkeling van hoogtechnologische
anorganische materialen strekt tot aanbeveling.
- Bijstand bij het onderwijs van de vakgroep
- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek in het gebied van de anorganische
chemie – vaste stofchemie ter voorbereiding van een doctoraat.” (min
50% van de tijdsbesteding)
Kandidaten worden verzocht hun curriculum aan de vakgroepvoorzitter
– promotor te bezorgen op het onderstaande adres. Deze oproep zal
tevens in het Belgisch staatsblad verschijnen. Voor bijkomende
inlichtingen kan u steeds terecht bij de promotor.
Prof. dr. Serge Hoste
phone 32-9-264 44 21
fax 32-9-264 49 83
6. Announcement,
position (2-3 years)
Optical Manipulation of Magnetic Heat Transport in
Low Dimensional Quantum Magnets
The Optical Condensed Matter Physics group of the Materials Science
Center at
the University of Groningen
The Optical
Condensed Matter Physics group of the Materials Science Center at
the University of Groningen is offering a post-doctoral position for
an Experimental Condensed Matter Scientist. The successful candidate
will join a new European project on magnon heat transport in low
dimensional quantum magnets (NovMag, www.novmag.eu). This recently
discovered new mode of heat transport opens new possibilities for
heat management in devices, and in particular manipulation of heat
conductivity through optical methods. The experimental tasks include
time and space resolved spectroscopic studies of magnetic
excitations using state of the art Raman, IR and Femtosecond
spectroscopy, as well as thermal mapping of single crystals, thin
films and relevant nano-devices using spectroscopic techniques.
Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, or Materials Science with a solid
background in condensed matter physics. Experience in optical
spectroscopy (Raman and/or time resolved) and/or in quantum
magnetism would be beneficial.
For more
information on this position please contact Prof. Paul van
Loosdrecht, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands. Email:
p.h.m.van.loosdrecht@rug.nl, Tel. +31 50 363 8149. Website:
Applications, including a curriculum vitae and a list of
publications can be send to Prof. P.H.M. van Loosdrecht. By mail:
University of Groningen, department of solid state physics,
Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands. By email:
5. Announcement, 22.10.2006
Job announcement – PhD in Chemistry, Department of Inorganic and
Physical Chemistry University of Ghent, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
1. A research position is made available in the
department within the framework of a project funded by the Belgian
Federal Government on Science Policy called “CHEMAT”, contract nr.
P2/00/03. The position is aimed at obtaining a PhD in Chemistry and
starts, with a contract for three consecutive years, on March 1st
2007. The research subject covers the development and study of
suitable chemistries in aqueous media for the production of
gel-based electroceramics (e.g. superconductors, piezo-electrics,
battery-components) to be deposited as coatings on different
metallic, ceramic and polymeric substrates and intended for
applications in energy storage and energy distribution. There are no
teaching responsibilities attached to this contract.
Applicants must possess a masters degree in
Chemistry, Materials Chemistry or Chemical
Engineering, demonstrate good research abilities, preferably in the
field mentioned above and are requested to provide their CV to the
address given below by December 15th 2006. Applicants should possess
fluency in English demonstrated by one of the following criteria: a
TOEFL paper based score of 580 or TOEFL Internet Based (IBT) score
of at least 90 or an AIELTS score of at least 6,5 or a Cambridge
“Certificate in Advanced English” or any other equivalent
credential. The estimated yearly salary before taxes is around 50
2. A position as university research assistant in the department is
made available for a period of 2 years, twice renewable when
favourably evaluated (six years in total) and starting on February
2nd 2007 and with the aim of obtaining a PhD. The applicant is
expected to perform research in the field of synthesis of high
temperature superconducting oxides using aqueous sol-gel chemistry
and applying thermodynamic principles to the structural elucidation
of the growth mechanism of the deposited superconducting coatings.
Furthermore, the candidate is expected to perform teaching duties in
assisting students reading General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
and Physical Chemistry for approximately 30% of his/here time.
Applicants must possess a masters degree in
Chemistry, Materials Chemistry or Chemical
Engineering, read, write and speak Dutch fluently and are requested
to provide their CV to
the address given below by December 15th 2006. Estimated yearly
salary before taxes is
around 50 KEuro. Information on this job announcement will become
available soon in the
Belgian Official Journal.
Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
University of Ghent, Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
phone 32-9-264 44 21, fax 32-9-264 49 83, serge.hoste@ugent.be,
Prof. dr. Serge Hoste
Head of the Department
4. Announcement, 17.10.2006
POSTDOC and PHD POSITION at the University of
Technology (TU) Braunschweig, Inst. Physics of Condensed Matter,
group of Prof. Lemmens
spectroscopy of strongly correlated and multifunctional systems"
Our group is active in
different research programs of the German and the European Science
Foundation (DFG and ESF) than concern the field of material research
and magnetism. The investigated materials are based on transition
metal ions in oxide/halide coordinations and realize molecular or
frustrated magnets and multifunctional or multiferroic systems as
composites, layered systems and single crystals. Our main
experimental techniques are Raman scattering and ultrasound
Profile :
Experimental physicist
Experience in optical spectroscopy, Raman scattering.
Experience in magnetism/transition metal oxides is appreciated.
Applications (including a detailed CV) should be addressed to:
Peter Lemmens, Inst. Phys. Cond. Matter, TU Braunschweig,
Mendelssohnstr. 3, 38106
Braunschweig, Germany, email : p.lemmens@tu-bs.de,
49 (0)531 5133
3. Announcement, 3.4.2006
POSTDOC POSITION at Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques
Pulsés (Toulouse)
"Thermoelectricity in high magnetic field in
strongly correlated systems"
We wish to study open questions in strongly
correlated electron system in collaboration with different
laboratories in France: ESPCI (K. Behnia) in Paris, CRTBT (J.P.
Brison et P. Rodière) and SPSMS (J. Flouquet) in Grenoble. We plan
to perform thermoelectricity measurements in high magnetic field on
heavy fermions where we wish to study hidden order or metamagnetic
transitions. One crucial aspect is the link between the topology of
the Fermi surface, the magnetic fluctuations and the nature of
the superconducting state near an electronic instability. In high Tc
superconductors, we wish to study the persistence of the Nernst
effect in the normal state. The question is whether Cooper pairs are
preformed in the normal state or if it is an unusual property of
what we call the "normal state"?
Profile :
Experimental physicist
Experience in electric and thermal transports.
Experience in high magnetic field is appreciated.
Applications (including a detailed CV) should be addressed to:
Cyril PROUST, Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Pulsés -
proust@lncmp.org, 33 (0)5 62
17 28 61
2. Announcement, 1.4.2006
Vacancy notice
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR) invites applications for
positions of PhD students, postdocs, and research associates in
experimental condensed matter physics, starting from now on.
Successful candidates will pursue vigorous research in a newly
established international user facility, the Dresden High Magnetic
Field Facility (HLD). This institute for experiments in pulsed high
magnetic fields up to 100 Tesla is under construction at the FZR.
Its pulsed magnets will be complemented by superconducting coils for
dc fields up to 20 T. Besides many other experimental possibilities,
as a unique opportunity infrared spectroscopy in the wavelength
range between 5 and 150 µm will be possible in pulsed magnetic
fields by connecting the pulsed field laboratory to the
free-electron lasers of a new neighbouring superconducting linear
electron accelerator. The HLD institute is supposed to resume
operation in 2007.
Candidates with interest and experience in one or more of the
following areas are invited.
• Methods and techniques of low temperature physics
• Measurement techniques of thermodynamic, electrical and magnetic
material properties
• Resonant techniques (ESR or NMR)
• Optical spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy
• Ultrasound
The applicant should have a MS or equivalent
Diploma degree (for PhD positions) and a PhD (for postdoc and
research associate positions) in condensed matter physics. The
salary will be on a German BAT/O scale, commensurate with age,
family status, and experience. Women are especially encouraged to
apply. Handicapped will be preferred at equal qualification.
Applications under the registration-No. xx/2006, comprising a letter
of interest, professional cv, and a list of publications should be
sent by May 1, 2006 to
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf
Personnel division
P.O. Box 51 01 19
01314 Dresden, Germany
For further information, please contact
Prof. J. Wosnitza, Tel.: +49 351 260 3524, Email: j.wosnitza@fz-rossendorf.de
or Dr. T. Herrmannsdörfer, Tel.: +49 351 260 3320, Email:
1. Announcement, Jan. 4th. 2006:
A postdoctoral position is foreseen starting in 2007 at the
Service de Physique Statistique, Magnetisme
et Supraconductivite (CEA/DRFMC, Grenoble,
France) for an individual interested in understanding the
physical properties of geometrically frustrated magnetic
materials. The work will involve specific
heat, positive muon spin relaxation and
neutron scattering experimental techniques performed on single
crystals down to at least 100 mK. Previous
experience with at least one of this
technique is desired. A short description of the
group activities is
available. Send before 31st March 2006, application letter,
resume and 3 letters of reference to
Alain Yaouanc,
CEA/DRFMC/SPSMS, 38054 Grenoble, France.
Alain Yaouanc e-mail: alain.yaouanc at cea.fr
CEA Grenoble www: http://www-drfmc.cea.fr
DRFMC/SPSMS phone: +33 (0) 4 38 78 43 92
F-38054 Grenoble cedex 9,France Fax: +33 (0) 4 38 78 51 09 |