Contributions to the Meeting of theGerman Physical Society (DPG) Meeting in Dresden,22.-27.3.2009:2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 |
Summary and timeline: (Full Programm of the Meeting)
Poster starting13.00, TT 6.66, P1A: Instabilities in (CuCl1-xBrx)La(Nb1-yTay)2O7
12.00-12.15: Oral, O 19.7 SCH A215: PL quenching of R6G in nanoporous templates
15:45-16:00: Oral, TT 17.7, HSZ 03: Novel spin-electron liquid state in NaxCoO2
Poster starting 14.45, MM 21.9 P4: Nanotemplates - Transfer of length scales and periodicities
Poster starting 18.30: O 27.22 P2: Tip-enhanced Raman scattering
16:30-16:45: Oral, MA 38.6, Thu, HSZ 103: Multiferrocity and symmetry reduction in Cu2OSeO3
17:45-18:00: Oral, MA 38.10, HSZ 103: Multiferroicity and anomalous dissipation in MnWO4
Poster starting 14:00, TT 33.4, P1A: Orbital and charge ordering in CuIr2S4
Poster: TT 6.66, Mon, Mar 23 2009, 13:00-16:45, P1A
Poster: MM 21.9 Tue 14:45 P4
Poster: O 27.22 Tue 18:30 P2
Oral: Session: TT 17.7, Tue, 15:45-16:00, HSZ 03
Oral: O 19.7 Tue 12:00 SCH A215
Oral: MA 38.10, Thu, 17:45-18:00, HSZ 103
Oral: MA 38.6, Thu, 16:30-16:45, HSZ 103
Poster: TT 33.4, Wed, 14:00-18:00, P1A
Earlier Contributions from our group: