Spring Meeting 2012 in Berlin2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 |
MA 3.5, Mo, 10:30–10:45, EB 202,
Coherent Manipulation of Electron Spins in a {Cu3} Spin Triangle Complex,
Choi K.-Y., Kumar P., Lemmens P., Bassil B. S., Kortz U., Nojiri H., Wang Z. X.,
Tol J. van, and Dalal N. S
Molecular magnets have been proposed as a promising candidate for
spin-based qubits. As a test bed toward scalable qubits, we explore the
isosceles antiferromagnetic spin triangle {Cu3-X} (X=As, Sb) impregnated in free
standing nanoporous silicon. By using 240 GHz microwave pulses Rabi oscillations
were observed and a spin memory time was measured to be T2=1066 ns at 1.5 K.
This demonstrates that this hybrid material provides a promising scheme for
implementing spin-based quantum gates. Comparing samples with different
symmetries and environments we give evidence that spin chirality is the main
decoherence source of spin triangle molecules unlike other molecular magnets.
Acknowledgement: DFG and NTH
O 35.26 Tue 18:15, Coupling of plasmons to molecular excitons, H.-D.
Yan, et al.,
Separation of iron spin states in chalcogenide superconductors, V. Gnezdilov, et al., TT 23.1 Wed 9:30 H 2053
TT 25.7 Wed
11:00 H 3010, Tuning the spin dynamics of kagome systems, D.
Wulferding, et al.,
O 37.13 Wed 12:45 EB 301,
Collision dominated scattering in 3D topological insulators,
P. Lemmens, et al.,
TT 49.2 Fri 9:45 H 3005,
Spin and lattice dynamics in the low-dimensional quantum
magnet (NO)Cu(NO3)3, V. Gnezdilov,
et al.,
TT 49.6 Fri 11:00 H
Comparative study of spin orbit dominated iridates, F.
Cetin, et al.,
DS 44.50 Fri 9:30, Organophosphonate monolayer functionalization of planar and nano-porous aluminum oxide, A. Pathak, et al.,